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Who Says that You Can't do this

This is dedicated to all special women

⁣⁣2. facilitate the opposite lady, although you dont like her. You ne'er recognize what her battles are. 
⁣3. Learn to be freelance. Its absolutely okay to not earn, however its necessary to be freelance. ⁣⁣
⁣⁣4. pay a while doing what you wish, although its simply sitting idle. Dont feel guilty as a result of others feel its rubbishy. ⁣⁣
⁣⁣5. find out about investments and taxes. Its not necessary to own some other person manage your savings n earnings.⁣⁣
7.Take equal responsibility of your oldsters. Its not acceptable to expect everything from your brother when. ⁣⁣
8. Have a dream, and don’t sacrifice it for anyone
⁣⁣9. Its ok if the room platform is exceptionally unclean or sink is filled with dirty vessels. Relax n take that break! ⁣⁣
⁣⁣11. Its okay to get on well with inlaws, Not each family must have a saas-bahu drama. ⁣⁣
⁣⁣12. Have some friends (men and women) on the far side your husband's cluster, Its ok, pay a while faraway from family together with your friends. ⁣⁣
13. Let the daddy watch out of the unwell kid once in a very whereas. Your career is equally necessary and also the father is equally accountable. ⁣⁣
14. Learn to ride that bike or drive that automotive. You don't perpetually want associate escort! ⁣⁣
⁣⁣⁣⁣15. watch out of your health. pay time n cash on maintaining yourself. ⁣⁣
⁣⁣16. Raise freelance, caring and health acutely aware youngsters. create all members of the family equally responsible and accountable. ⁣⁣⁣⁣
17. produce totally different girlie teams. Share your issues, get opinions however finally take your own call and follow it.⁣
18. once things fail, attempt to be balanced and realize reply of your issues. You don't ought to play the victim. ⁣⁣
⁣⁣⁣⁣19. arrange and nevertheless your own gifts n needs. You don't perpetually want a husband or your daddy to shop for you one thing you like. Gift yourself
⁣⁣20. Its okay to not cry. Not all girls ought to be sentimental all the time ⁣⁣


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